Well, less than 24hrs to go now, and this may be the last blog for a wee while as we depart Oceanside tomorrow at 1400 local time (10pm UK) on this epic adventure! We had an extremely busy day, and given that I did not sleep much it did not feel any longer than normal (hope that makes some sense). Body clock was 'clued' into a 0400 Reveille for some reason and I kept a track of the solo riders as they went through the 700mile point!!
Then the fun began, with a brief call to BBC Radio Lincolnshire to feed into them everything about the race and give out some info on the local riders to Lincoln!! We had a very productive 2hr team meeting to discuss logistics, 'actions on', rider prep and care and almost everything else under the sun to get us all focused on the work that is required to get 4 guys out and ready to race at 1400 tomorrow.
We then had a spot of lunch, bought a few additional bike racks and tools, went for a recce of the unsupported section of the route, and then back for the official race brief!! About 50 teams in the 2-, 4-, and 8-man divisions were there and we were all given our instructions on how to behave and on how to participate in this RAAM community to make it a world wide success! We paraded on stage, and as we were the only team in riding kit, I think we attracted a lot of attention, and we did our best to intimidate the US Team (in a friendly way of course!!).
Post-brief was followed by a Nail-painting session to match JC's efforts to look as chavvy as he possibly could with his chav St George flag on each middle finger!! People took great amusement though in him deomonstrating the effects of giving them the 'bird'!! Clearly Mat, Steve and I had to match him (excuse the pun) and we went for something with a bit more style, finesse and class!!! LOL ;-)
Anyway getting back to the race, this will just be the best thing in the world for us all. The support crew have done a magnificient job in getting things ready for us, and now we have the challenge of matching their professionalism to make this a huge success for us all!
Roll on tomorrow, and au revior jetlag please, as I need a good night's sleep!
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