WOW!! The last 10 days have been incredible. We have been completely swamped by folk within the RAF, offering to help us, and join the Support Crew. I have now lost count of the numbers, but I now know what it must be like to be in the personnel selection in charge of recruiting. What a tough job it is! From my perspective, this project started as a simple idea, and a conversation in the gym with JC, on the back of an email suggestion. I really did not appreciate the interest something like this might have, and the motivation that people would have to want to participate in the World's Toughest Bike Race.
Some of the offers, although very genuine, were from individuals who simply had never been to the States, and wanted to complete a road trip. That is all well and good, however, we have only a few slots available, and this is a race. So we have to think of who will be the most suitable candidate in terms of their ability to work as a team to keep the racers on the road, and also what extra they could offer the team, so that the event could give them something they will not forget.
I am almost there now, and three of the four slots have been allocated. We are really pleased with the people we have chosen and they will certainly enhance the team's chances of making this race a successful one in many ways. They are independent enough to be trusted to take the initiative when it matters, and also extremely adept at following (and there will be a lot of that during the 9 days in June) and collaborating. Not only that but we also have a team mechanic, another sports therapist, and a physical training instructor who has a great appreciation of cycling.
We are very excited that we have the makings of a great team, and we welcome those that have come on board. We are sorry we cannot offer more people the chance to join us, such are the constraints of sleeping space and money on the team, and we wish all of those people who put their name in the 'hat' all the very best, and thank you for your kind offers of assistance.
Now over to the Crew Chief to do what he does best, and we are all looking forward to getting together in May for our training weekend and chance to practice our skills and changeovers.
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