Tuesday, 26 January 2010

It's a deal!!!

Here's the deal. We take two cyclists of equal ability, and one cycles endlessly in one direction, while the other watches and actively engages in the thoughts of cycling. When the first one is exhausted and cannot continue, we swap the cyclists over. While cyclist number two pedals, the other one actively thinks about and creaes images of himself back on the bike. I wonder who would be physiologically fitter, or who would make the biggest gains in physiological fitness at the end of this test?
Well one way to find out is during the Race Across America in June. We will be 4 cyclists of different builds, heights, weights but of similar power to weight ratios, and I wonder who would fare the best at the end of the racein a pre- and post evaluation. Also worth considering how sleep deprivation will affect one's ability to think positively so that vicarious learning can take place.
Less than 140 days to go now to the RAAM, and things are hotting up. We had a re-schedule in logistics at the end of last week, and thanks to British Airways we were able to change our itinerary so that we will stay one day more in the States, to allow the team to return the RV to New Jersey, and then return to Annapolis. It also means that the team is not under undue pressure at the end of the race to de-kit, especially when we will be pretty fatigued!!!
Training is going well, with 3 hrs in the bag today, 2 hron the bike and 1hr in the gym doing strength and conditioning work. Plenty of time on the commute to practice sports psychology techniques, so no time is wasted!
I have a spin with AlitheIronman on Fri, which will be great, and we may even find a wee cafe. More to follow!!

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