Thursday, 3 December 2009

The Race Across America

With the Triathlon season almost over I set about finding a few reprobates from the local area that would be keen to join and make up a 4-man team to compete in the Race Across America. That way I would not be doing another least next season and I could focus on the bike phase almost whole heartedly!!

Anyway aas soon as I mentioned it to some of the likely lads in VC Lincoln, Messieurs Steve Duffy and Gordy Muir where the first to put there hands in the air to be counted. "You are in" I hailed!! (Ha, ha!! Suckers or what!!) Do they really know what they are letting themsilves in for??? As it transpired they did and to their credit they had mentioned that they had previously thought about doing it before!! Boy oh boy I am behind the times!! Is this RAAM thing already a bit '5 minutes ago'???

Then in the gym (not talking about knees) ann old pal and triathlete from the RAF Triathlon team got interested when I mentioned to him about the RAAM!! He was in the team before he had a chance to inhale and re-consider!! Yes another one! Caught!! And so the team was formed. Team RAF Epic Survitec.

More to follow on the progress of the planning for this event.

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